Tuesday, September 28, 2010

How to Wash Acne-prone Skin

Dermatologists recommend the following for their patients who have acne or acne-prone skin:

  • Limit washing to twice a day – and after perspiring
    Once in the morning and once at night as well as after perspiring heavily should be the limit. Perspiration, especially when wearing a hat or helmet, can make acne worse, so the skin should be gently cleansed as quickly as possible after perspiring.

  • Use a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser
    Wash the face and other acne-prone areas with a gentle, non-abrasive cleanser that does not contain alcohol.

  • Use your fingertips
    Apply the cleanser and wash with your fingertips. This reduces skin irritation. Using a washcloth, mesh sponge, or anything else can irritate the skin and lead to breakouts.

  • Never scrub your skin
    Scrubbing the skin does not clear acne. In fact, scrubbing irritates the skin and can make acne worse.

  • Rinse with lukewarm water
    Be sure to thoroughly rinse away the cleanser with lukewarm, not hot, water.

  • Shampoo regularly
    If you have oily hair, shampoo daily.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Acne scar removal

Acne is a skin complaint that tends to affect people during adolescence and can last into adulthood. Although most people associate acne with the face, it can also be present on other areas of the body, such as the back, arms or chest.

For most people, acne is more of an inconvenience than anything else but when it is prolonged or unusually severe it is not unusual for scarring to occur.

Acne scars typically come in four different varieties, depending on the shape of the scarring. Ice pick scars are one of the most common but there are also boxcar scars, rolling scars and hypertrophic scars.

Depending on the shape and depth of the scars, different acne scars treatment may be recommended. These treatments range from mild, such as the use of a topical skin cream to more extreme methods such as laser treatments or micro-dermabrasion.

Laser treatments are relatively expensive. The laser will remove the top layer of skin and help to tighten the underlying layers in order to remove the scar tissue. Although this is not a miracle cure, many people have experienced good results with using this particular method.

Dermabrasion or micro-dermabrasion is removal of the top layer of skin with the use of a wire brush that is spinning at high speed. This is something that can be taken care of by your physician but it is also a service that is offered at many skins care salons. The person administering the treatment really has to know what they are doing and be careful as additional damage can result from this particular treatment if it is not done properly.

Topical creams for acne scar removal are a very effective way of removing the damage that was caused by years of severe acne. Not only do they help to soften the skin, at times they are medicated in order to help treat and heal the existing scar tissue.

To further assist you in your search for freedom from your scars, click acne scar product reviews to see what solutions made it into our top three recommendations and click Best Acne Scar Cream to find the winner of our research.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Acne Treatment

Self-Care at Home

  • Wash once or twice daily with soap and water to remove excess oil from the skin. An acne cleanser purchased over-the-counter in any drug store can also be helpful. Avoid scrubbing too abrasively because this can actually irritate the skin and cause acne to worsen.
  • Over-the-counter acne medications can be used either at bedtime or during the day. Always follow the directions on any acne product.
  • Many cover-up products are available without a prescription to improve the appearance of blemishes while they have a chance to heal. Most work well and should not worsen acne.
  • Some cosmetics and other skin care products, however, can cause acne to worsen. Look for make-up, cosmetics, and skin care products labeled with the word noncomedogenic. This means that it does not cause or worsen acne.

Sunday, September 12, 2010



A boil (furuncle) is a skin disease caused by the inflammation of hair follicles, resulting in the localized accumulation of pus and dead tissues. Individual boils can cluster together and form an interconnected network of boils called carbuncles. In severe cases, boils may develop to form abscesses.


The symptoms of boils are red, pus-filled lumps that are tender, warm, and/or painful. A yellow or white point at the center of the lump can be seen when the boil is ready to drain or discharge pus. In a severe infection, multiple boils may develop and the patient may experience fever and swollen lymph nodes. A recurring boil is called chronic furunculosis.

In some people, itching may develop before the lumps begin to develop. Boils are most often found on the back, underarms, shoulders, face, thighs and buttocks, but may be found elsewhere. Boils on the ear tend to be more painful, and can create shooting pain in the entire ear when touched.

Sometimes boils will emit an unpleasant smell, particularly when drained or when discharge is present, due to the presence of bacteria in the discharge.


Boils are generally caused by an infection of the hair follicles by Staphylococcus aureus or staph, a strain of bacteria that normally lives on the skin surface. It is thought that a tiny cut of the skin allows this bacterium to enter the follicles and cause an infection. This can happen during bathing or while using a razor.

People with immune system disorders, diabetes, poor hygiene or malnutrition (Vitamin A or E deficiency) are particularly susceptible to getting boils. However they may also occur in healthy, hygienic individuals.

Hidradenitis suppurativa causes frequent boils.

Boils in the armpits can sometimes be caused by anti-perspirant deodorants.


Most boils run their course within 4 to 10 days. For most people, self-care by applying a warm compress or soaking the boil in warm water can help alleviate the pain and hasten draining of the pus (colloquially referred to as "bringing the boil to a head"). Fire cupping can be utilised to facilitate this procedure. Once the boil drains, the area should be washed with antibacterial soap or antibacterial herbs (chickweed poultice) and bandaged well.

For recurring cases, sufferers may benefit from diet supplements of Vitamin A and E.

In serious cases, prescription oral antibiotics such as dicloxacillin (Dynapen) or cephalexin (Keflex), or topical antibiotics, are commonly used. For patients allergic to penicillin-based drugs, erythromycin (E-base, Erycin) may also be used.

However, some boils are caused by a superbug known as community-acquired Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, or CA-MRSA. Bactrim or other sulfa drugs must be prescribed relatively soon after boil has started to form. MRSA tends to increase the speed of growth of the infection.

Magnesium sulfate paste applied to the affected area can prevent the growth of bacteria and reduce boils by absorbing pus and drying up the lesion.

resource :www.medic8.com

Monday, September 6, 2010

Acne and factors

in addition to boils, pimples, including one of the diseases that attack was skin part.this is factors of acne treatment.

Acne usually appears in puberty and goes away as one enters adulthood. However, many suffer acne into adulthood or do not experience acne until adulthood. Multiple factors are involved in acne. And there are just as many methods of treating it. While some treatments work for some, they may not work for others. It's important to check with a doctor before taking anything for acne or treating it at home.

Acne Factors

Acne is generally caused by increased activity in sebum (oil) production as a result of increased hormone production experienced as a result of puberty. Sometimes acne is a result of this oil becoming trapped due to the oil being relatively thicker, smaller pore size, or excess dead skin cells. Research, by Professor Zhao Zhongzhou, sites that acne is also caused by a microscopic mite which lives on the faces of the majority of humans on the planet.

Herbal Remedies

These do exist. The first, of course, is keeping a clean face. This means hands off. Overzealous washing can also trigger increased oil production. Washing twice per day and keeping the hands and other objects off the face can help prevent bacterial infections, which will make acne worse.

Tea tree oil kills the bacteria and demodex mites associated with acne lesions. In one study, a 5 percent tee tree oil preparation worked as well as a 5 percent benzoyl peroxide solution and had fewer side effects.

Lavender essential oil is thought to contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It is an astringent. To use it, try an essential oil lavender cleanser made for the face, and dot on essential oil with a clean cotton swab to lesions and break outs.

Burdock is taken internally for acne. This plant is rich in minerals and even used as food in some cultures. The roots, leaves, and seeds are used in a tea. The tea is used as a facial wash.

Dandelion, like burdock, may help the body rid itself of excess bacteria. It also stimulates the liver and digestion, thus flushing toxins and excess hormones such as androgens which trigger break outs. Full of minerals and vitamins, dandelion leaves are eaten fresh, cooked, or dried and made into tea.

Calendula works for many types of skin unless the person is allergic to daisies. It fights inflammation and provides antibacterial properties that relieve acne symptoms.

Oregon grape root may help acne in two ways. First, it promotes digestion and liver function, flushing out hormones, toxins and bacteria. Second, it is a powerful antibacterial.

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties. It is made into a tea and then used as an astringent. It contains azulene, an anti-inflammatory essential oil with a blue color.

Roses were used in Victorian times and are still used in most of Europe today. The petals not only smell nice, but they also provide antibacterial properties. Use rose water made with pure essential oils, or put the essential oils in a spray bottle of water.

Grapefruit seed extract is a strong antimicrobial agent. It is useful for fighting bacteria externally and internally. It is safe when used as a toner if diluted in other products.

Aloe vera is used to soothe the skin, heal wounds, and as an anti-inflammatory for at least a century. The pure gel or juice is used as a toner after washing the face.

Anti-Acne Life

Acne is also conquered through dietary changes, lifestyle change, and proper treatment. In addition to topical and internal treatments listed above, eating a diet which promotes balanced hormones may also help fight acne.

resource: http://www.naturalnews.com/028227_acne_treatments.html

Friday, September 3, 2010

acne scar reduction

Many people experience acne problems during their adolescence. For some, it is simply a matter of having a few breakouts but for others, the acne become so bad that it can create permanent scars and that is why they search for acne scar reduction solutions.

This scarring can take on many different forms but the most typical is what is known as ice pick scarring. This is where the scars are v-shaped, pointed and deep. If you have a problem with scarring from acne, there are some acne scar reduction treatments that have shown promise.

Something that has just recently come onto the scene is acne scar reduction through the use of laser treatments. This is where a short burst of light, usually in the billions of a second, is directed at the face in order to smooth over the imperfections that are caused by acne scars. This particular treatment tends to work very well but it can cause problems associated with pain and it is usually very expensive. Unless you have very good insurance, you will have to pay for this particular treatment yourself because it is considered a cosmetic treatment.

Another option that many people have used for acne scar reduction is a topical cream. There are many different options that you can choose from, from over-the-counter creams that are found in the drugstores to medicated creams that are prescribed by your doctor. Although these may not be able to remove the acne scars altogether, they can have the effect of smoothing the skin out and helping to tighten it so that the effects of the scarring are lessened.

Many people have also used acne scar natural treatment in order to help to reduce the scarring from acne. These typically include a topical cream that is made with things that are found around the household as well as some supplements that you purchase at a vitamin shop. You can also buy this type of acne cream already made up in several different forms. These creams have helped 100s of people quickly and painlessly remove and diminish even the deapest acne scars.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

How to find the Best Acne Scar

A person with severe acne scarring may be wondering how to find the best acne scar removal method. However, persons with mild acne scarring ask that same question because facial scarring of any degree is not a small matter to anyone. The best acne scar removal method is going to depend upon the type and degree of acne scarring present. What follows are some types of acne scarring and what types of removal may be an option for removal.

  • 1.The first step is to ensure your acne is in check and not active, though certain acne scar removal methods actually can help bring acne under control for some, other methods may require your acne be under control. A suitable acne treatment program can be prescribed by your physician.

  • 2.Almost every effective acne scar removal method will have to be administered by a physician. Unlike other medical treatments though, you will almost surely be given more than a single choice in acne scar removal methods. You should consult your dermatologist as to the best acne scar removal method for you, there should be more than one offered though in some cases you may be referred to a plastic surgeon. Ask questions of your doctor and inquire into the newer methods like laser treatments to help remove your scarring. You may or may not be a candidate for every type of acne scar removal but the more choices you have the more likely you are going to be happy with the procedure.
  • 3.If your scarring is very severe and you require a surgical procedure there will still be some choices in types of acne scar removal. If your scarring is less severe then you may have to decide between options such as laser acne treatment or a chemical peel or derma abrasion. You can base your decision on which is the best acne scar removal method on how much downtime they require, the type of discomfort associated with them, and if they are covered by insurance, or any other factors you feel important.
  • 4.Laser treatments though new, with relatively few side effects are not normally covered under insurance and so, though it may not be the best acne scar removal method for your case and situation. Chemical peels have side effects such as changes in skin coloration. You will probably need to decide on the best acne scar removal in those cases based on if you can afford to bear the costs without insurance and if you find the change in skin coloration acceptable.

  • How to Remove Acne Scars

    By now, everyone should know that the way to avoid scars is to never, ever pick at pimples, blackheads or blemishes. But even with that advice, some people still have scars. Here are your options if you want to remove acne scars
    1.Long term acne scars can not go away over night, but you can manage the appearance of acne scars
    2.To prevent further damage, don't smoke. Wear sunscreen SPF 30 or higher on your face when you go outside. Avoid wrinkle creams that make your face sensitive to UV rays. And never pick at your existing scars or new pimples when they form.
    3.Avoid a McDonald's diet. The combination of fat and high carbohydrates causes acne outbreaks.
  • 4.Learn to live with your face. Your scars aren't as bad as you likely think. Obsessing about them will make you more likely to pick and further hurt your skin.
  • 5.If you are older (past the point in your life where you still have acne) there are a few medical procedures that can reduce the appearance of scars. These are dermabrasion, laser peels or resurfacing, and chemical peels. These procedures are very serious, especially the last two, and have side effects that include raw and red skin, long recovery times, and the dreaded "shiny face pulled back look."

    Before you consider these serious options, make sure your scars are actually serious, not just an obsession. The results of these procedures can also disappoint individuals, especially due to the extreme pain involved. Watch a plastic surgery show and critically ask yourself if the "results" of such a procedure are worth it.

  • 6.A less serious method of reducing scars, for men, is simply using a rotating razor when you shave. Rotating razors are like mini dermabrasion machines, and studies have suggested that men who use them to shave reduce some of their acne scars.